Catie Jackson, PsyD

Chief Clinical Officer
Catie Jackson, PsyD, joined Deer Oaks in 2004 after working with the Veterans Administration. Dr. Jackson is one of the three members on the Chief Clinical Leadership Team at Deer Oaks. Dr. Jackson oversees EHR strategy and implementation. She has worked as the team leader and primary psychologist in many nursing home facilities in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. In addition to her Chief Clinical Leadership role, Dr. Jackson serves as the Regional Clinical Director over North Texas and Oklahoma, she divides her time between direct clinical services and providing support and supervision to the clinicians in her areas. In addition, she works directly with the development and training of clinicians on the electronic health records system used by Deer Oaks. She is a graduate of Texas Tech University (B.A. in Psychology and Sociology) and Baylor University (M.S. and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology). Dr. Jackson approaches her clinical work with the belief that each client possesses unique strengths that, through therapy, can be used to navigate even the most significant challenges. She has worked as a volunteer with the Rape Crisis program and Domestic Violence Shelter.